Monday, September 14, 2009

Take A Hike

JDubbs and I have discovered a series of great hiking trails only a mile from our house. It is a quick and easy form of exercise, plus Jax, and especially Baxter, love it! I think Jax just loves being so close to his Daddy.

As the autumn begins and the leaves change colors, we will definitely be taking more hikes, and I will lug along the big camera so I can hopefully share the beauty of Vermont in the fall. And if Baxter will stay still long enough to get his picture taken, I'll try to capture the pure elation that dog exhibits when running free. He probably runs two to three times farther than we hike because he runs up and down the trail as fast as he can the entire time!
A bonus of Vermont, for sure. I know there was hiking in California, but we don't have to tackle the 5 to get here ;)

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