So, as you get to know us and our crew, you may notice that we have a really great circle of friends. But sadly, it's a little lacking in baby girls. My friends keep having boys, which is a great blessing for them, and Jax and Em's female friends keep moving away! It's a rare occassion when Jax is outnumbered by females, but it did surprisingly happen the other day. Em loved it.
We were at our friends Sara and Stella's house and Jax was the only boy present. Actually, it was kind of nice. Since I'm a girl and like girlie things.
Girls just play "nicer" than boys; less bickering, no wrestling, not nearly as many car crashes and train wrecks. A lot of playing nice and hugging. Not that these girls can't hang with the boys; they totally do. Notice all the construction vehicles in the background of the above photo--these girls like to dump dirt and build towers like their boy buddies do. But there's something about four little blondies playing nice. Adorable. And a little quieter.
Not to mention it was a beautiful day and spending time outside with our kids running barefoot through grass is an always welcome pastime. For every kid, boys and girls.

Anyone else a sucker for yellow tulips?
The other great thing about hanging out with mostly girls is that they love the little siblings. I don't know if any of Jax's guy pals have taken it upon themselves to spontaneously hug Em or her little buddy Paisley. But the big girls sure do know how to give a hug!
Sweet sisters. I need another girl.
While the girls were happily tiptoeing through the tulips and engaging in a hugfest, Jax hung out by the sandbox and played with the dump trucks. Shocking. I could only drag him away by the lure of a swing. And that took a lot of cajoling on my part!
(When I asked him if he wanted to come play with us, he said, "No, I'm working!" Boys.)
But he finally deigned to grace us with is presence at the swing. Somehow he manipulated the situation into getting the swing more than anyone else, but the girls didn't mind. They love to mother anyone and anything, including pushing big boy Jax in a swing like a baby.
(I have a cute picture of Jax with his lady friends, but since Blogger is my nemesis, it won't let me upload any right now. Thankfully, I uploaded all these other ones last night! Grrr, Blogger!)
The actual babies enjoyed the sunshine and dandelions while the bigger kids frolicked. Not too much longer until these two are right alongside them!
I have no brothers. I was raised in a house full of girls and have been blessed with two real sisters, stellar girlfriends, and sorority sisters to boot. To me, having sisters (or at least having great girl friends) is going to be a big part in determining who Em is as she grows up. Since JDubbs and I have yet to come to an agreement on Baby #3 and my two may be my only two babies, I am just going to have to make a concerted effort to keep Em in the girls' club and not just drag her around with her older brother and his friends. She'll need some girl time, too! Luckily, she's already got a pretty great circle of gal pals to grow up with. And we've got another baby girl on the way in our little clique, and another of unknown gender in the fall! Maybe the tables will turn and it will be a run of girls this year! Fingers crossed!
oooooo!!!!! all of these photos are precious!!!!!!!!!
1. i too love tulips and i'm going to amsterdam on friday and i can't wait to see all the beautiful tulips...i'll take pics of yellow for you!
2. i grew up with no sisters, i have two broski's and my mom and i have the greatest relationship ever. so if em is your only will be best friends when she's 21, promise :)
...and by two brothers i actually mean 3...good god, way to forget one! (he's only 3
You take some of the most beautiful pictures! I wish I had that kind of talent! :)
I never knew what it was like to be in a girls club of my own because I have 5 brothers. I'm the only girl. God has blessed me with two little girls...and a bigger girl {my step-daughter} so I guess I can say I've started my own girls club! Girls are somewhat high maintenance though...
What sweet children you have! I feel you on the small circle of girl babies for your daughter to play with. I have an eight-month-old baby girl named Emma, and it feels like ALL of my friends have baby boys! Hopefully someone will have a girl soon, or else I just may have to convince my hubby to try for baby #2 a bit earlier than planned. ;)
Found you at the blog on Home Sweet Farm and am your newest follower! I hope you'll have a chance to stop by and visit sometime soon! :)
Way too cute. The photographs makes me smile and feel nice inside.
Found you on WWindow. :-) Thursday Two Questions Meme
Beautiful kids, beautiful pics!
new follower from Waltz on By!
LOVE the pictures, soo sweet. My Mommy club is full of baby boys too. I keep hoping for some girl power but until then I guess we'll just keep playing with trains and dinosaurs.
New follower here! Those pictures are adorable!
I'm pregnant with my third baby right now, and even though I have a boy and a girl, I'm hoping for a girl for my daughter's sake. She is surrounded by boys all the time!
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