Friday, April 29, 2011

I Don't Want To Forget...

I don't want to forget two things about how much Jax loves his sister.

1.  Yesterday when I was putting on Jax's rainboots to go outside and splash in the puddles, he was sitting in a kitchen chair and Em was at his feet on the floor.  For who knows what reason, Jax pointed to his sister and burst out, "Mama, look at Em!  She's beautiful!"  What a pair.  Happy Mama.

2.  Today when I was walking up the stairs with Em in my arms to start the bedtime routine, I heard Jax playing on his little toy piano.  He was banging out a melody all his own.  Suddenly, it became a lullaby and he played softer and sang, "Goodnight, Em.  Goodnight..." Then he'd play a few notes and sing again.  "Time for bed, Em.  Goodnight..."  First of all, he was making up a song all his own, which to me is amazing, but it was about his sister!  Then it turned into a laundry list, of course, so it kind of lessened the moment, "Goodnight Baxter (our dog)....Goodnight, Mommy...Goodnight #5...Goodnight #4..."  But lessened or not, it was a special moment in their relationship, when he sang his sister off to bed.  Sometimes he really is such a good boy.


Anonymous said...

I loved your post about Jax loving his sister and singing her a made-up lullaby - how precious! Thanks for sharing. I'm "following" you from the blog hop and would love a follow back. Thanks!


XLMIC said...

Warm fuzzies... to the core :)

Shala said...

Very precious.

mymy said...

awww...that is so sweet! :)

hi, am a new follower via gfc from the weekend blog hop. :)

my3littlebirds said...

One of my very favorite things about parenting so far has been watching the relationships develop between my kids. Yes, there is fighting (lots of it). But there are also the sweetest moments, like the ones you mentioned. Can't you just see your kids in their 20s, calling each other when they need advice? Or sticking up for each other in 10 years on the schoolbus? We are so lucky to be parents.