Sunday, May 16, 2010

Very Vermont

In Vermont, cool things can happen as if by accident, because the possibility of stumbling upon a pair of gorgeous horses who trot over to you, waiting to be pet (or fed), is far from remote. In fact, it can happen pretty predictably because people up here actually have real working farms with horses and cows, and they are friendly enough to share them with strangers on a daily basis. Hence our trip to Billings Farm in Woodstock with Jax, Em, and my mom last week before we knew how sick Jax really was and therefore still dragged him out of the house for Vermonty excursions to the local dairy farm.

First, we made a few new friends:

Jax wasn't scared of the horses or the dairy cows. He loved to hear them moo and pet them.

The dairy farm itself, with rows upon rows of cows hooked up to machines waiting to be milked freaked him out a bit (probably struck a nerve about this new breastfeeding mommy routine), as did the horses in the stables. But the animals running free were like big toys and he loved getting close to them. He even tried to kiss one of the cows!

Em wasn't as impressed. She only woke up to scream her head off to be fed. All that milk must have been too much for her.

It was a wonderful way to spend a beautiful Vermont spring day, and we were so happy that Grammy was there to share it, too. We get free passes to the farm from the library so I think we'll be heading back there often, if only to get more pictures like this:

Growing up, Vermont style!

1 comment:

Judy Lamont Stock said...

That was cute! Made me think of going to the Bolton horsefarm WAY back in the days. I think I may have to move to VT. I looks so nice and friendly.