Thursday, February 25, 2010

Coloring By Candlelight

This was the view of Nana and Papa's deck yesterday, after the power came back on but before it went off again. Most of the snow in that pile is from the roof, but we got somewhere around a foot and a half in the last 36 hours or so. And we're expecting another 5-8" tonight. Joy.

The blessing is that we had already planned on staying at their since our bathroom is still under construction (we can't talk about it--it's a touchy subject), so we had all our accoutrements and Baxter here. The irony is that we had power at our house, but no bathroom. We ended up with no power at Nana and Papa's, and thus, couldn't really use the bathroom here, either. Ah, well. Such is life in Vermont.
So, what do you do with a toddler when the power goes out at 4:45 pm, right as you put his dinner in the microwave, so that you have no lights, no dinner, no bath? Well, you take it back to the old school.

Coloring by candlelight. Oh, yeah.

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